its all about last friday..
updated late n i noe.. oops..><
our holiday starts earlier n we just finish trial..
so suddenly plan to have a steamboat party in my house..
Its quite rush cuz everything was planned one day before.. = =
but it ends up quite well that day..=]
okay .. here we go..
ta daaa~~~ =)
5 SCIENCE 2 group photothis photo is
almost perfect.. not everyone was in the photo..
(weng fai n her sister , iyee, yoke peng, lam n her bf)

Best friends..
hoyling, iyee, li mun, chloe :)

all the best..=]

starting to prepare=]

im not here..
i went to laogong house to take the "fo wo lou"n mahjong..><
while waiting to eat.. photo time...=]

iyee n me

iyee n weijian

weijian n sammy

li mun n sammy

foo, laogong, shelly, hoy lingn li mun playing mahjong.. ><

lazy weijian..

everyone is starving
no energy to sing edi><

looks like many o..
but actually juz ngam ngam ony..-.-
Hoi Can Luu...

first time do this kind of gathering i my house..
hou coi ngam ngam enuf for everybody..
but mayb not for lam loupo n her boyfren lar..
cuz they are too late..><

justina n iyee =]
after eating..
starting to take photo again..XD

iyee sammy me

like this warm..=]

yeah \^0^/

all like oily face..>< [ unnormal justina..]

justina like kena paksa like that..hmmp..==

wai kit n sammy..
everone guessing their relationship..XD

another group photo..

5 science 2 girls

5s2 girls + one gay..XD
after the ppl going back..

2 kakak moping da floor.. = ="
[me n justina]

after cleaning all those mess..
finally we can sit down n sing..XD
is almost 11pm but all still sing like crazy..

i need to thanks to my
lougong[wengfai]for lending many usefull things for us..
n bcuz of u we have tom yam to eat..
haha.. muackx..><
I also have to thx to my
loupo [justina & sammy]for giving me so much help..
all sweat cuz
running (justina) n
driving (sammy) here n there..><
Suddenly all become gu lei.. ==
(sammy, justina, me n laogong, foo, weijian)We went to watch movie.. Tsunami
hou coi still got ticket XD
Is a nice movie for me.. Very touching till i cry duno how many times..
but the one beside me --- wengfai
im there crying n he's laughing..><
HalOOOoooo~~ -.-"
after the movie..all went back own house..
sammy stay overnight at my house..
actually i should say is overmorning.. =.=
after back home we make something to eat n watch movie..
middle of the night..
laogong take the key to me ask me to help him feed his dog..><
he's going to thailand that night.. miss him..=]
den sammy n i chat until ngam ngam 6am ><
sleep until 1 pm++ but we chat many thing lar..
sometimes omos want cry..
cuz talk back something very cruel...-.-
Happy Day!!^^